quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

Te Amo by Rihanna


(ver nesse site senão dá como video removed e no youtube parece impossivel encontrar esta versão (a realmente oficial) do clip)


Then she says: Te amo
Then she put her hand around my waist
I told her no,
She cries: Te amo
I told her I'm not gonna run away but let me go
My soul is crying, without asking why
I said: Te amo
Wouldn't somebody tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you?
Think it means I love you
Don't it mean I love you?


Adoro a música mas apôs horas a ajudar o senhor d'Ó a ensaiar já estou assim um pouquinho enjoada. =S =P

terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

The Veronicas Flavour

Tom: So what's your flavour? What is The Veronicas flavour?
Lisa: It's, uhm, rock-pop electrooo... ehm... mix in with amazing!
Jess: Like... if you melt a barbie in a pool of black nail polish and sprinkle it with glitter and then maybe put some spit on it.

explicação bastante gráfica e pormenorizada XD

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

Skins 4 ='(

São 23h43 e a minha vida acabou neste momento *drama* *choro compulsivo*
Adeus Emily! Adeus Naomi! Adeus Effy! Adeus Pandora! Adeus Katie! Adeus JJ! Adeus Freddie! Adeus Thomas! E Adeus Cook!

=''( nãoooooooooooooooooooooo

domingo, 14 de março de 2010

Best Spoiler EVER!!!

*Naomi de frente para Emily, e Katie ao seu lado*
Naomi - I love you from the first time I saw you. I think I was twelve. It took me three years to plant of the corage to speak to you, and I was so scare for the way I felt... you know... loving a girl. So I learn how to became a sarcastic bitch just to make me feel normal. I screw guys to make you go away, but it didn't work. When we got together it scare the shit out of me... 'cause you were the one person who could ruin my life. I puched you away, I made you think things were awful but really honest I'm just afraid of pain. I screw that girl Sophia to kinda despite you for having that power on me, and I'm a totally fucking coward 'cause I got... this! Thist tickets to go for us three months ago. But I can't stand... I didn't want to be a slave to the way I feel about you. Can you understand? You were trying to punish me back and it's horrable. It's so horrable... because... really, I die for you. I love you! I love you so much, and it's killing me!
*Emily chora e olha para Katie. Depois olha de novo para Naomi e... BEIJA-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

*.* ^^ *.* ^^ (L)(L)(L)(L)(L)Naomily(L)(L)(L)(L)(L) ^^ *.* ^^ *.*

terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010

Skins 3 Season Best Quotes

1º Episodio - Everyone

*Effy e Pandora no corredor da escola*
Effy - It's inexplicable Pandora.
Pandora - Yeah, inexplicable. What's inexplicable means Eff?
Effy - Can't explain.
Pandora *aborrecida, sem perceber* - Alright, suit yourself then.


*Pandora para Emily e Katie antes de ir para a sua aula*
Pandora - Hi! I'm Pandora. I'm useless.


Effy - So... you're the doormat?
Emily - Short of.
Effy - Interesting... that you just put up with that.


*Katie, Emily, Naomi e Effy a apresentarem-se na aula de Keiran*
Katie - I'm Katie. I've never not had a boyfriend since I was seven.
Keiran - Congradulations. You?!
Emily - I'm Emily. I've never had a boyfriend.
Keiran - Shit happens. You?!... What about you, with the bling?!
Naomi - I'm Noami. I hate injustice... people tell lies about me.
Effy - I'm Effy, and I think my mum's having an affair.
Keiran - Good one. Shows enterprise.

3º Episode - Thomas

*Thomas esbarra com Emily na discoteca em que estão a ajuda-lo*
Thomas - Which are you?
Emily - Gay! I mean Emily.

4º Episodio - Pandora

*Pandora e Effy sentadas à beira rio*
Effy - Pandora, why are we friends? Do you ever wonder?
Pandora - Well, that's super easy. You're my friend coz you're the coolest ever. And I'm yours coz I'd totally do anything you say, and none of your boyfriends ever wanna surf me coz I'm useless.
Effy - And that's it?
Pandora - Yeah.


*Pandora abre a porta de casa a Effy e Katie*
Pandora - Come on! We can do brownies and then lick our bowls out.
*Pandora entra em casa e deixa a porta aberta*
Katie - Do you think she knows she sounds filthy half the time?
Effy - Sometimes I wonder.


*Naomi volta para a sala com bebidas e encontra Emily. Naomi pergunta a Emily que bebida prefere*
Emily - Anything. Just give me a fucking... *olha para os lábios de Naomi* Just give me a... *beija-a*
Naomi - Oh... *surpreendida* It's only the drugs right?
*Emily abana a cabeça em sinal afirmativo. Beijam-se de novo*
Emily - You like that?
Naomi - You're gay!
Emily *suspira* - Yes!


*Effy à porta da casa de banho da Pandora com esta trancada lá dentro a chorar chateada com ela*
Effy - When do I get to be upset? When do I get to be anything other than me?

5º Episodio -Freddie

*Cook, Freddie, JJ e Effy dentro do barracão do jardim do Freddie*
Cook - Maybe you didn't get it. I said "You're coming with me Effy? You soon will be."
Effy - I got it. Freddie and JJ got it. That termite over there got it. But you're not going to get it. Got it?
Cook - No, I'm confused.


*O grupo na aula de literatura da Josie. Naomi fala sobre Hamlet*
Naomi - Hamlet's basically a teenage boy. He's got all these desires, but he doesn't have the bottle to do reach out for them. So, he goes mad, and wanks off about Ophelia, and ends up so boring somebody has to kill him!
Josie - I'm not sure that's right. There's no wanking in Hamlet.
Naomi - Yeah there is. Loads. Only they call it "soliloquising".


*Freddie na casa de Effy. Ambos sentados no sofá a ouvir os pais de Effy a discutir*
Freddie - We'd be good together. Don't you think?
Effy - No!
Freddie - Why?
Effy - Because I'll break your heart.
Freddie - Maybe I'll break yours.
Effy - Nobody breaks my heart and anyway, why would I want that?


*JJ e Cook juntos*
JJ - You know what Naomi is backwords? I moan.

6º Episodio - Naomi

*Naomi a falar com o Cook*
Naomi - You couldn't make me feel alright if you stapled your tongue to my clit and stood on a cement mixer.


*Emily a tentar convencer Naomi a concorrer para presidente da associação de estudantes pois ela está sempre a falar de alguma coisa*
Naomi - Emily! We've had about three conversations our entire lives, so the idea that you know I'm always talking about anything is a bit ridiculous.


*Emily depois de falar com Naomi no seu quarto vai embora. Volta a entrar*
Emily - Just so you know, the first thing I think when I see you is not "I want to fuck that girl".
Naomi - No, ahm...
Emily - We've kissed twice. It was nice. But it's also nice just being with you. When you're not being a prick that is.


*Emily e Naomi a beber no chão do seu quarto*
Naomi - What do lesbians do?... I mean in bed.
Emily - I know what you mean! What do I know?
Naomi - You mean, you never?
Emily - No I never.
Naomi - I mean... is it all (wtvr) and strap-on's?
Emily - No! I don't know. We just... do what we do to ourselves. I mean to each other. Probably a bit more agressevilly and with... you know... oils and stuff.
*Ambas riem*
Naomi - Oils hey?!
Emily - Yeah, and stuff...


*Naomi liga a Emily*
Naomi - Can we go somewhere? Anywhere?


*Naomi e Emily no meio de uma floresta em frente a um rio*
Naomi - It's lovely. It's a lovely place.
Emily - It's one of my favourites.
*Emily começa a tirar a roupa*
Naomi - I didn't bring a swim custume.
Emily - Neither did I.
*Naomi fica a olhar para Emily ainda a despir-se*
Emily - The sun ain't shine forever.
Naomi - Somebody might be looking.
Emily - Honey, your body ain't that special.
Naomi - Don't look ok?
Emily - Fine.
*Emily volta-se de costas e Naomi despe-se. Emily volta-se antes de Naomi acabar. Naomi olha para ela. Começa a rir-se*
Naomi - I said "Don't look".
*Naomi bate em Emily na brincadeira*
Emily - I wasn't looking.
Naomi - You were looking. You little pervert.


*Emily e Naomi de noite sentadas à frente de uma fogueira a beber e a fumar*
Naomi - You're right Em?
*Emily olha para Naomi mas não responde*
Naomi - Hello. Hellooooo. Def or what?
Emily -You know that's the first time you ask me something?
Noami - What today?
Emily - Ever!
Naomi - Well, asnwer then. You're right?
Emily - No! I'm on the worse time of my life. The weather is shit. The company even worse.
Naomi - Amen.


*Emily acorda e Naomi esta a ir-se embora*
Emily - Twice! You're gonna do this to me twice?! Naomi, no. You fucking stop right now. Don't you dare to leave me in your bed again.
Naomi - I've got to go.
Emily *enquanto a Naomi se afasta* - I know you. I know you Naomi! I know you're a lonely. I think you need someone to want you. Well... I do want you... so, be brave... want me back.


*Naomi e Emily sentadas à porta da casa de Emily. Emily dentro de casa e Naomi fora.*
Naomi - I do need someone. You're right.
Emily - And?
Naomi - And... When I'm with you I feel like I'm a better person. I feel happier. Less alone. Less lonely.
*Emily mete a mão pela porta do gato e agarra a mão da Naomi*
Naomi - Is not simple as that is it? Being with someone.
Emily - Isn't it?
Naomi - No. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I don't think so. I mean...*começa a chorar* Can't we just sit like this? For a bit?
Emily -Yeah, we can.

7º Episodio - JJ

*Emily e JJ encontram-se no psicologo. Emily confessa-se a JJ*
Emily - I want to have sex with girls.
JJ - Right.
Emily - Yeah. I like girls. I like sex with girls. I like their rosey lips, their hard nipples, bums, soft things. I like tits and fanny, you know?
*JJ desmaia*


*Emily e JJ num jardim a conversar*
Emily - You know J, all those things you want. You don't ask for them. Why don't you ask?
JJ - Can I see your breasts again?


*JJ e Emily vão à casa de Freddie. Karen abre a porta meio confusa mas percebe logo o que se passa e vai atrás dos dois. Freddie diz que não pode falar com JJ mas este abre a porta do seu quarto mais Emily. Katie encontra-se nua em cima de Freddie*
Karen - Now... does everybody know each other?


*JJ vai à casa de Effy e a meio da conversa diz que sem os compridos diz a verdade e é dificil dizer a verdade. Effy pede-lhe que diga uma verdade*
Effy - Come on, JJ. Don't be pathetic, it's easy. Just tell me something true. Tell me. Tell me now.
JJ - I love you.
Effy - Well, everybody loves me.
JJ - That's a relief.
Effy - With the possible exception for dear mum and dad. They don't love me so much.
JJ - Why?
Effy - Coz I don't let them fuck up their lifes in peace, so I'm being a total bitch.


*Naomi encontra Effy à entrada de uma discoteca*
Effy - No Emily? Truth.
Naomi - That obvious?
Effy - You don't have to be a genious to work it out. So?
Naomi - So, I'm straight.
Effy - Sure?
Naomi - If I said no, would I regret it?
Effy - Probably. But not because of me.

9º Episodio - Katie e Emily

*Katie está em casa negra da porrada com a Effy. Emily finge ser Katie e vai fazer-lhe o exame de história. JJ passa-lhe um bilhete a dizer que sabe que ela é a Emily. Emily faz o exame e vai ao cacifo de Katie. Naomi aparece*
Naomi - Nice job. *mete o dedo na maquilhagem de Emily*
Emily - Stop it, it took fucking ages.
Naomi - Oh well, I wish I had someone to pass my exams for me.
Emily - Yeah.
Naomi - I hope your finishing the job and dump Freddie for her as well.
Emily - That's over. Katie knows it.
Naomi - Yeah. It was an eventful barbecue. A saltrie mix makes a party take such a swing.
Emily - Is not funny. Effy hurt her.
Naomi - Like I said. It was eventful. You sould dress that more often.
Emily - It's Katie's.
Naomi - Yeah, you look nice. From the neck down... I think I'm going away for the summer. Staying in Cyprus perhaps. By myself. Staying sometime by myself, you know? Do something by... myself.
Emily - About what?
Naomi - Let's just be friends ok?
Emily - We said that, didn't we?
Naomi - Yeah. Have a good summer.
*Naomi começa a afastar-se*
Emily - I'll miss you.
*Naomi volta-se e olha para Emily. Dirige-se para ela e beija-a contra os cacifos*
Naomi *enquanto beija Emily* - I can't stand this. I can't...


*No quarto de Naomi, Emily diz que quer contar às pessoas sobre elas e pede a Naomi para ir ao baile com ela. Naomi diz que não quer, que não tem certezas como Emily. Emily levanta-se e começa a vestir-se*
Naomi - Don't do that.
Emily - No! You don't do that. I'm not your fucking experiment. Where are my fucking shoes? Oh my fucking shoes. Oh fuck it, keep them. *olha para Naomi* I'm tired. I'm sick and tired of it. Still holding hand through a cat flap aren't we? Have fun in Cyprus.


*Thomas encontra Emily numa paragem de autocarros descalça e dá-lhe os seus sapatos. Emily chora.*
Emily - What do you do if someone you love lets you down? Really fucks you over.
Thomas - You must try to stop loving them.
Emily - And, is that possible?
Thomas - No. I don't think so.


*Emily e Katie no seu quarto depois de Emily dizer à familia que tem feito sexo com Naomi*
Katie - You're not gay. You're just stupid.
Emily - Right. I'm stupid. I'm stupid because I don't let anyone fuck me when they're in love with somebody else.
Katie - No. What?
Emily - You let Freddie use you and look what it's got you. That's a normal relationship isn't it? She fucked you up good didn't she? At least no one hit me over the head with a rock. Loser.


*Emily e Katie depois de andarem à porrada no meio do baile*
Emily - Katie, I can't stand this. I'm a person. I'm not you.
Katie - I know.
Emily - You have to understand Katie, I love you and I'll never really leave you, but I can't fix this. I like girls. No. I like a girl. No. I love *aponta para Naomi* her, ok?


*Pandora assiste a Emily e Naomi a irem embora triste. Thomas aparece atrás dela. Ela vira-se*
Pandora - Please. Can we start again? I promise. I promise I'll never...
Thomas - Hello, I'm Thomas. So glad to meet you.


*Naomi e Emily a descerem a escadaria de fora da escola*
Naomi - Some party.
Emily - Eventful.
Naomi - Yeah... I love you too.
Emily - I know

10º Episodio - Final

*Cook e Effy fogem e Cook leva-a para conhecer o seu pai. Effy e o pai de Cook falam*
Effy - You're not his dad. Not really.
Cook Senior - And you're not his girlfriend. Not really. You're gonna fucking snap that boy's heart in two.
Effy - You've been doing it to him everyday of your life.

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010

Conversas de Aula

Nas aulas de Design de Produção fala-se de…:


Porque segundo o Rodrigo: “Lá nos esteites têm uns carinhas que têm orgasmos só tocando nas árvoris.”

Poor Shoes

Tenho uns tenis que dizem na sola:

-Life blessed me with pain, death with relief!

… de facto a vida dos meus tenis não é fácil… =X